Historic Downtown Sanford: Craft breweries, restaurants, gastropubs, events, tours, things to do in Sanford, FL
We are a community driven blog that promotes the Historic Downtown Sanford District in Central, Florida as a
food & beverage destination to a global audience for tourism, film locations, community events & investment.
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4th of July 100 Year Anniversary 1920s ABC adaptogens Airbnb airboat rides Alive After 5 Amber Clore American apartments apparel art art festival art galleries art gallery artisans artist artists art sale art show art walk Art Woodruff Asian lanterns assisted living award winning backyard fare bagels bands bao buns bar bar food bars bartenders BBQ beads bed & breakfast beer beer crawl beer fest beer festival beer gardens beyond bicycle bike bikes bike store Billie Holiday biscuits Bite30 block party boating bookstore breweries burger burgers business bycicle cabernet franc cafes cakes capitalism carnival games catalyst site CeCe Teneal Celery City Craft Central Florida Zoo chef christmas Christmas in July Christmas Parade Christmas party Christmas Tree Lighting cigar 101 cigar bar cigar bars cigars City of Sanford clam strips clothing cocktail bar cocktail crawl cocktails coffee community community event community party competition concert concerts cool down cornbread cornhole couch racing coworking craftbeer craft beer craft beer bar craft beer festival craft breweries craft brewery craft cocktails craft drinks craft spirits cruise culture curbside cycling dance deals delivery Designing Spaces desserts destination destination marketing Deviant Wolfe diet dining guide dinner dinner cruise dinner theater distillery Distinguished Gentleman's Ride dog lovers dog rescue dogs drink drinks Easter eco-tourism economic development electric vehicles escape room event event parking events experience experiences Fall family family fun farmers market farm to table festival festive film film festival Film Sanford firefighters Firehouse fireworks fish fish & chips fishing Florida Fusion food food & drink food hall foodie foodie event food tasting food tours food truck food trucks food vendors Fox35 fresh fruits fresh vegetables fruits fundraiser gallery gastrobar Gastropub gastropubs German German beer German food German Restaurant Ghost golf golf carts golf course golf tournament grand opening green beer groceries Growth Watch Hannah Harber healthy eats Heathrow Helen Stairs Theater Henry's Depot Heritage Park hip hop historic district historic homes historic places historic preservation historic theater holiday party holidays holiday vendors Hollerbach's hot chicken sandwich hotchkiss mural hotel hotels Houseboat Hurricane Party ice cream Independence Day indie film interior design Irish Irish Pub jazz jazz festival Jeff Triplett jewelry juices July 4th kayaking Keto Korean Korean food Lady Day Lake Mary Lake Monroe lantern festival late night latte live art live music livestreaming Loggerhead Distillery love your shorts lunch lunch cruise luxury makers space Mamma Mia map Mardi Gras margaritas mariachis Marina Island Market marketing Mark Nation Mayfair Country Club Meals on Wheels merch metal Mexican beer Mexican Restaurant mid-century modern mid century Milane Theater mini golf MLS mobile app motorbikes movies mural music musical music festival Nat Russell nature nature photography networking new business new development new developments non-profit November Octoberfest office space OIF old Florida Old Jailhouse omakase open container Orlando Orlando film Orlando Weekly outdoor dining oystersm strips paddleboarding paleo parade floats parking parking lots party patio performing arts pet rescue pet rescues photography pints n paws pizza plant based podcast studio pop up Porchfest pretzel Pub pub crawls pub grub pumpkin race raw travel reggae Reg Garner rentals restaurant restaurants retail river cruise rivership river view Riverwalk rock rooftop bar salsa competition sandwiches Sanford Arts Sanford Art Walk Sanford Ave Sanford breweries Sanford Civic Center Sanford Food & Drink Magazine Sanford Historical Society Sanfording Sanfording on Sundays Sanford Riverwalk Santa sashay scratch kitchen seafood Seminole County Tourism shop local shopping shop small short film short films show shrimp shuttle ska small business Small Business Saturday smoothies Soccer social distancing sofas soul Soul Kamotion Southern speakeasy special needs spice market spirits steak steaks St Johns River St Johns River Festival of the Arts St Patrick's Day street festival street party student films summer menu sun belt cuisine SunRail Sunshine State Threads support local support small business sushi Sushi & Seoul sweets tacos Taco Tuesday taekout tailgate party takeout taprooms tea telethon tesla Thanksgiving The Addams Family theater Theater West End The Basin The Famous L The Lionhearts The Ritz Theater The Supervillains The Tennessee Truffle things to do tourism tourism marketing tours townhomes travel trolley truck pull Tuffy's tv UCF urban winery valentine's day vegan vegetables vegetarian vendor market vendors Victorian vinyl records Visitors Guide visit Sanford vodka waterfront wayne densch performing arts center weekend getaways weekend vibes West End Trading Co West Side Story What The Chuck where to park whiskey wine wine bar wine dinner wine walk wood signs zoo